Friday, May 8, 2020

What Makes A Self - 1655 Words

What is a self? Is A considered a self? To answer whether A is human we must first define what a self is. Each individual experiences and reacts to life and situations differently, and collectively, we do not have anything within us that is black and white, so that would lead to the conclusion that self cannot be explicitly defined. However, at the same time, that complexity in itself is a definition; the fact that we exist as gray areas ultimately proves that we are a living contradiction. So a self is really your own perception of yourself, but because it is so inextricably intertwined with others perceptions and because all interaction is involved with others in some shape or form, self is more so a conglomeration of perceptions, values, choices, and your experiences. Perception, your own and others, is a significant part of self and inevitably affects your own identity. Many people dispute that our identity and sense of self and identity is not altered by what others think of us, but can you deny the fact that our perception of our self is inherently adapted and influenced by other’s perceptions of us whether we consciously want it to be or not? In The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth, Alexandra Robbins followed Whitney, a so called popular girl, in order to learn what one must do to gain popularity. Whitney responds that in order to become popular one must follow a set of rules. The most prominent of these rules is â€Å"Sacrifice†¦ You need to be willing to sacrifice a lotShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Self Reliance?1691 Words   |  7 PagesWho is an American that embodies self-reliance and independence? Self-reliance, or independence as an individual, is an uniquely American trait. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14, relating to this value, says to work hard, urge people to work for their own earning, and not be a burden on others. 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