Monday, August 24, 2020

Understanding and Using Pointers in Delphi

Comprehension and Using Pointers in Delphi Despite the fact that pointers arent as significant in Delphi as they are in C or C, theyre such a fundamental apparatus, that nearly anything having to do with programming must arrangement with pointers in some design. Its hence that you may find out about how a string or article is extremely only a pointer, or that an occasion handler, for example, OnClick, is really a pointer to a technique. Pointer to Data Type Basically, a pointer is a variable that holds the location of anything in memory. To solid this definition, remember that everything utilized by an application is put away some place in the PCs memory. Since a pointer holds the location of another variable, its said to highlight that variable. More often than not, pointers in Delphi point to a particular sort: variValue, j : integer;pIntValue : ^integer;beginiValue : 2001;pIntValue : iValue;...j: pIntValue^;end; The sentence structure to announce a pointer information type utilizes a caret (^). In the above code, iValue is a whole number sort variable and pIntValue is a whole number sort pointer. Since a pointer is simply a location in memory, we should dole out to it the area (address) of the worth put away in the iValue whole number variable. The administrator restores the location of a variable (or a capacity or system as will be seen beneath). Identical to the administrator is Addr work. Note that pIntValues esteem isn't 2001. In this example code, pIntValue is a composed number pointer. Great programming style is to utilize composed pointers as much as could reasonably be expected. The Pointer information type is a conventional pointer type; it speaks to a pointer to any information. Note that when ^ shows up after a pointer variable, it de-references the pointer; that is, it restores the worth put away at the memory address held by the pointer. In this model, variable j has a similar incentive as iValue. It may seem as though this has no reason when we can just allot iValue to j, however this bit of code lies behind most calls to Win API. NILing Pointers Unassigned pointers are perilous. Since pointers let us work straightforwardly with PCs memory, in the event that we attempt to (accidentally) keep in touch with a secured area in memory, we could get an entrance infringement mistake. This is the explanation we ought to consistently introduce a pointer to NIL. NIL is an uncommon steady that can be relegated to any pointer. At the point when nil is doled out to a pointer, the pointer doesn’t reference anything. Delphi presents, for instance, a vacant powerful exhibit or a long string as a nil pointer. Character Pointers The essential sorts PAnsiChar and PWideChar speak to pointers to AnsiChar and WideChar values. The nonexclusive PChar speaks to a pointer to a Char variable. These character pointers are utilized to control invalid ended strings. Think about a PChar just like a pointer to an invalid ended string or to the exhibit that speaks to one. Pointers to Records At the point when we characterize a record or other information type, its a typical practice additionally to characterize a pointer to that type. This makes it simple to control examples of the sort without duplicating huge squares of memory. The capacity to have pointers to records (and clusters) makes it a lot simpler to set up convoluted information structures as connected records and trees. typepNextItem ^TLinkedListItemTLinkedListItem recordsName : String;iValue : Integer;NextItem : pNextItem;end; The thought behind connected records is to give us the likelihood to store the location to the following connected thing in a rundown inside a NextItem record field. Pointers to records can likewise be utilized while putting away custom information for each tree see thing, for instance. Procedural and Method Pointers Another significant pointer idea in Delphi is methodology and technique pointers. Pointers that point to the location of a methodology or capacity are called procedural pointers. Technique pointers are like method pointers. In any case, rather than highlighting independent techniques, they should highlight class strategies. Technique pointer is a pointer that contains data about both the name and article that is being conjured. Pointers and Windows API The most widely recognized use for pointers in Delphi is interfacing to C and C code, which incorporates getting to the Windows API. Windows API capacities utilize various information types that may be new to the Delphi software engineer. The vast majority of the boundaries in calling API capacities are pointers to certain information type. As expressed above, we utilize invalid ended strings in Delphi when calling Windows API capacities. Much of the time, when an API consider restores an incentive in a cradle or pointer to an information structure, these supports and information structures must be apportioned by the application before the API call is made. The SHBrowseForFolder Windows API work is one model. Pointer and Memory Allocation The genuine intensity of pointers originates from the capacity to put aside memory while the program is executing. This bit of code ought to be sufficient to demonstrate that working with pointers isn't as hard as it would appear from the outset. Its used to change the content (inscription) of the control with the Handle gave. methodology GetTextFromHandle(hWND: THandle) ;var pText : PChar;/a pointer to scorch (see above)TextLen : integer;begin{get the length of the text}TextLen:GetWindowTextLength(hWND) ;{alocate memory}GetMem(pText,TextLen) ;/takes a pointer{get the controls text}GetWindowText(hWND, pText, TextLen 1) ;{display the text}ShowMessage(String(pText)){free the memory}FreeMem(pText) ;end;

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Public School System Essay Example for Free

Government funded School System Essay Dynamic The government funded educational system in America is a subject that is encircled by extraordinary discussion. There are numerous inquiries that encompass this point. The exploration question for this paper was, is the state funded educational system neglecting to set up our youngsters for what's to come? Also, what arrangements are accessible if the framework is falling flat? The strategy the specialist utilized in this paper was writing survey, and he additionally led a meeting with somebody working in the field. In this paper the scientist clarifies how the government funded educational system is neglecting to set up our kids for what's to come. The paper likewise clarifies how the instructing styles are out dated. The specialist likewise clarifies the arrangements that are as of now set up and the potential answers for what's to come. Presentation For quite a few years, the state funded educational system has been a subject of extraordinary discussion. There are numerous inquiries encompassing this point, for example, Is the government funded schools framework neglecting to set up our youngsters? Who should make the educational plan? Who should make the arrangements? Furthermore, what job and state do the guardians have in their children’s instruction? These are only a couple of instances of the inquiries that may concoct the subject of government funded instruction. This subject is essential to me as a result of the various instructive foundation I originate from. I began my instructive involvement with customary classes and afterward was moved to cutting edge classes lastly, subsequent to coming up short, I wound up at an elective school. That is the reason I pose the inquiry, is the state funded educational system neglecting to set up our youngsters for the future, what are the issues, and on the off chance that it i s what is being done to fix it? Because of my instructive foundation I do accept that the government funded educational system is neglecting to set up our youngsters. I likewise accept there are many contributing components, for example, the school staff, the legislature, the instructors association, and even the guardians. I additionally accept that there are numerous approaches to fix the framework, as new association and staff rules, changing the educational program, and including a larger number of instructors than legislators while shaping arrangements. This theme is significant for all kids in the U.S. state funded educational system, supposing that the framework is effectively improved, their learning experience will be significantly upgraded. It will likewise profit the educators, since they will have the chance to really serve the network as opposed to simply going to work. This has become an unpredictable point however in the wake of perusing the examination ahead you will see that the appropriate response is moderately basic. Survey of Literature There is a thought that our state funded schools are neglecting to set up our kids for what's to come. This future could be multi year school, specialized school or legitimately into the work place. It is the activity of our state funded schools to set up every understudy for these prospects. In any case, it appears that that their coming up short has become the truth and it is a concerning felt that America is creating youngsters less arranged for the world than are different nations. The National Center for Education led an examination in 1995 including understudies from forty one nations. They tried aptitudes in math and science for understudies in fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades. What they found at the fourth grade level was that the understudies were over the universal normal in arithmetic and science. At the eighth grade level they found that the understudies scored underneath the global normal in arithmetic, however over the normal in science. At the twelfth grade level they found that the understudies scored beneath the global normal among the most reduced of the taking an interest countries. (Calsyn, Gonzales, Frase, 1999) This is by all accounts the pattern with our understudies in America. They will in general level off as opposed to propelling like understudies in different countries. Some portion of this issue is because of the encouraging that the understudies get. This is depicted in the 1995 investigation by the National Center for Education; â€Å"eighth grade U.S. arithmetic teachers’ run of the mill objective is to show understudies how to work on something, while Japanese teachers’ objective is to assist understudies with figuring out how to accomplish something and furthermore comprehend scientific ideas so they can explain future problems.† (Calsyn, Gonzales, Frase, 1999) Some educating was supposed to be exhausting and out dated. The understudies in some cases appear as though rambles tuning in to the individual in the front of the room as opposed to getting a handle in general thought. Mike OConner portrayed in his meeting. (OConner, 2012) The narrative Waiting for Superman additionally discussed the instance of the terrible educator. Which, if your school has one, it was said that you would be left with it? This is fundamentally a direct result of the association advantage called residency that shields instructors from being excused for an inappropriate reasons, yet in addition makes it exceptionally troublesome and now and then difficult to excuse the terrible educators. (Guggenheim, 2010) Teachers are by all account not the only issue and ought not be the main wellspring of fault. There are higher situations to the educational system than just instructors, for example, principals, overseers, and city authorities that all assume a job in the bombing framework. The article Dependant educators, Ineffective Principals, Failing Children portrays the contrasts between having great overseers and awful. The article proceeds to state that if a school has a decent director they will draw in great educators. At that point it discusses terrible directors and their requirement for force and control. This thus will draw in educators who have reliance needs and don't endure autonomy. (Muschel, Fall 1979) at the end of the day, on the off chance that you have terrible pioneers you get awful supporters. This article additionally depicts how using rules, guidelines, desk work, and language a chairman can control the staff. They do this to give themselves work fulfillment, however it eventually prevents the instructors from successfully captivating in the homeroom. (Muschel, Fal l 1979) The administration authorities additionally assume a job in the manner our schools’ exercise plans are spread out. The article Needed: Educational Philosophy as a guide for Decision Making in the Public Schools addresses this. (Klein, Spring 1977) The article discusses how the undertakings of our legislators change our schools educational program. It likewise expresses that the bearing our nation is going in correlation with different countries changes our educational plan. One case of this is during our undertakings to beat Russia into space our youngsters were required to learn mind boggling and unique science and math disciplines. (Klein, Spring 1977) Another case of the governmental issues behind training is the No Child Left Behind demonstration of 2002. This demonstration by congress expresses that each state set up a standard that every understudy needs to test at. It additionally gives the guardians the option to haul a kid out of a bombing school and put them in a superior one. Moreover it considers the state responsible for its training. The article Conflicts over Directing the Education of Children: Who Controls, Parents or School Officials, discusses this demonstration. It says that the schools are increasingly responsible for a student’s yearly achievement. It additionally expresses that the schools need to utilize explored based strategies for educating. It likewise discusses how the demonstration is to some degree a control of parental rights; in the way that it is up for the person to look for training. In general, it essentially discusses how the demonstration should help improve understudies who are in financially burdened regions, however doesn't address the bombing youngsters in the more monetarily familiar territories. (Russo, 2005) Mike O’Conner likewise discussed the No Child Left Behind act in his meeting. He primarily said that it is a smart thought, however it is around twenty years past the point of no return. He said this on account of the occasions we are in. He likewise portrayed how this is the innovation and data age, it is time we begin instructing in that limit, instead of make arrangements that despite everything bolster our old framework. (OConner, 2012) One other issue which was addressed by the film Changing Education Paradigms. This issue was the way that kids are cured for ADHA to an extreme and too rapidly. It was portrayed that youngsters currently are being shelled by data from each mechanical gadget around them. This, thus, occupies them from the data on the board, which seems exhausting. To manage this the understudies are sedated to quiet them down and making them focus. It additionally indicated that the remedies are given all the more as often as possible as you head east over the states. (Robinson, 2010) That is only a portion of the issues with state funded training today. There are a lot increasingly like participation issues, and the children’s home condition. These are only a portion of the central matters encompassing our state funded schools issues. Presently the time has come to address a portion of the answers for these issues. As the issue of the bombing government funded instruction framework became so did the interest for an answer. Instructors and others thought of one arrangement which has blended audits. This was the development of the other option, or contract schools. These schools are set up for the understudy to at last prevail in today’s educational plan, without hardly lifting a finger and certainty. The article An Oasis of Hope: the Power of Thinking Developmentally (McCarty Quirk, 2003) discusses how the state funded schools have put a few kids in low quality, control based projects which give them constrained results. It proceeds to state that these kids should be placed in elective projects that follow positive rules. These rules ought to follow these standards: All youngsters must have open doors for progress dependent on endeavors which are praised by noteworthy grown-ups. All youngsters should be seen for their qualities. All youngsters must have chances to create characteristics which follow a sound formative movement. All youngsters reserve the privilege to live and learn in settings applicable to their genuine lives and dreams. (p. 106) The article likewise portrays how to utilize th

Saturday, July 25, 2020

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Journal Submission Cover Letter

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Journal Submission Cover Letter Whether you plan to publish your research in a top-tier journal or in a lesser known publication, writing an impactful cover letter is a must. Editors use these letters to sift through the mounds of manuscripts they receive on a weekly basis and will judge the merits of your abilities as a researcher and writer based on them. In shortâ€"a cover letter is your opportunity to make the editor want to read more.In this article, Im going to cover five useful tips for making the most of the opportunity to catch an editors attention with a well-written cover letter.A well-written cover letter is the best way to get an editors attention if you want to publish your research in an academic journal. Photo by Andisheh A on Unsplash.Do your researchAcademic and peer-reviewed journals vary in their reach and audience. Some might publish a broad scope of topics but most are focused on certain fields of study, which means that editors know exactly what will fit in their publication and what wont. Se nding your research to a journal without knowing their audience is a waste of time and effort, particularly if your research is outside of the journals scope.Research of the publications goals and aims, as well as prior studies they have published, will go a long way in ensuring that you dont waste your time (or the editors). Taking the time to do some background research will help you plan which journal you should send your manuscript to and which journal will be most likely to publish it.In the same sense, you should find out all you can about the person who will be reading your cover letter and making a decision on whether to include it in the publication. For example, you should address the editor by name in the salutation. If you dont know the editors name, find a recent copy of the publication or go online to look it up. It also never hurts to call the journal and ask who the editor is and make sure you have the name spelled correctly. Addressing the editor as Dear Madam or De ar Sir, or addressing your letter to a prior editor of the publication shows that havent done the legwork needed to find the best fit for your research.After youve introduced the title of your paper, the author(s), and what type of research it is (a case study, review, etc.), it will be important to focus on why you think your work is a good fit for the publication. If the journal has published research related to the topic youve chosen, point that out by writing the title(s) and the date published. If they have published a study that calls for additional research on a certain topic and your study fulfills that aim, point that out as well. If your study fills a gap in the literature, let the editor know.Publications often have specific requests of information to be included with a manuscript or in your cover letter. Ultimately, editors of academic journals want to know that your manuscript will be worth their time if they decide to read it. They need to look at your cover letter and recognize that you are professional, a good writer, a solid researcher, and able to follow directions. If you fail to include the specific details theyve requested, your credibility as a researcher could be damaged before theyve even looked at your research. It doesnt matter how great your research isâ€"it might not make it past the gatekeepers of academic journals if your cover letter is a mess.Include all relevant informationWhile different publications might have specific requests for information that needs to be included in a submission, there are certain things that are standard requirements for a cover letter written to an academic journal editor. These are:The title of your manuscriptThe author(s) of your manuscriptA statement noting that your manuscript has not been previously published and you havent sent it to any other editors for considerationThe background of your studyThe research question you sought to answer in your studyThe methodology you used in your researchThe significance of your research and why it will be useful information to the journals audienceThe name of the journal and why you chose this particular one to submit your work toIf you fail to include the last detail, you run the risk of making your cover letter sound more like a form document that could be sent to any journal. Editors want to know that youve put in the time to find the best publication in which to publish your study. It gives them confidence that your research will be solid and interaction with you, as a writer, will be a smooth process.Keep it brief, professional and error freeYour journal submission cover letter is not the place to go into detail about your academic experience and publishing credits. Its also not the place to name drop, humor the editor, or present an abstract of your research. If the editor is interested in reading more about your research, he or she will have the manuscript to do so. Name dropping will make you seem unprofessional and unable to g et your work published on its own merits.Additionally, your manuscript should be free of grammar errors or spelling mistakes. Even the slightest error could mean losing credibility with the editor, because they know if youve carelessly put together a cover letterâ€"the one document that should sell your manuscriptâ€"youve likely dont the same with your paper. And no journal editor wants to make extensive corrections to an authors writing. It only makes their job harder and is an unattractive prospect.Carefully reviewing your cover letter for errors could make the difference between being published or passed over. Photo by Bruce Mars from Pexels.Consider following a templateA cover letter for submitting your manuscript to academic journals should be in business letter format, single-spaced, with blank lines between paragraphs. Dont indent the beginning of each paragraph and dont use a font that is difficult to read. Letterhead may be used and a date should be included, along with the standard return address and recipients address.Below is a template to work around to create your journal submission letter. Keep in mind that journals have different requirements and will typically list these submission guidelines on their website. For example, some journals want you to include potential reviewers for your manuscript, along with their contact information. This template should be adapted to include everything they request, as well as specific, brief information about your research and why its important for it to be made available to their readers.Your nameYour street addressCity, State zip codeYour phone numberYour email addressDateThe editors nameThe journals nameThe journals street addressCity, State zip codeDear Ms/Mr. [editors last name],Thank you for the opportunity to submit my original research article entitled [name of article] for your consideration for publication in [name of journal]. In focusing on [the research question of your study], this work builds on prior studies on [background information related to your research]. Through [briefly discuss your methodology], I believe it fills a gap in the literature by [summarize the significance of your research].In the June 2018 issue of [the name of the journal], you published a study by [authors name] that called for additional research in [your area of expertise]. This manuscript answers that call by presenting various case studies related to [your area of study/research and additional details about your manuscript].[Journal name] seeks to [discuss the scope or vision of the journal] and this research fulfills that aim. It has not been published and is not under consideration elsewhere because I believe your readers are the best audience for it. [Briefly explain why their readers would benefit from reading your work.]Should you find my research appropriate for your publication, I would like to suggest the following reviewers:[Names and contact information of reviewers]Thank you for yo ur consideration and I look forward to your response.Sincerely,[Your name]Get someone else to look over itFor researchers, publication in a top-tier journal is an achievement that can mean significant exposure and credibility. Many higher education professors must publish in a peer-reviewed journal in order to gain tenure or even keep their job. These reasons alone should suggest that a cover letter to an academic journal is one document that can make a lot of difference in your life, career, and future. Its not a task to take lightly and should be given the time and attention needed to get it perfect.With this in mind, it is always a good idea to have someone else look over itâ€"preferably a professional copyeditor who is familiar with what needs to go into the letter to make it shine. If you know others who have been successful in getting their research published, either in the journal to which you are applying or elsewhere, go to them for advice on your cover letter. They might h ave the exact suggestion you need to make sure the editor pays attention.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Tort Law Problem Answers - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2738 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? ISSUE Whether James can succeed in an assault Tort claim against Mele for her actions? RULE An assault is committed where the defendant intentionally or recklessly causes the victim to apprehend immediate unlawful personal violence. [1] The elements for assault are: An intentional act The absence of consent on Defendants part in this case The inducement of an apprehension of imminent contact ( An imminent battery) Is there any reasonable apprehension for reasonable battery? APPLICATION: An Intentional Act Intent is established if a reasonable person is substantially certain that certain consequences will result; likewise intent also established whether or not he or she actually intends those consequences to result. In Tuberville v Savage (1669) 86 ER 684[2] the defendant put his hand on his sword and stated that if it were not assize-time, I would not take this language from youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. The court held that it does not amount to an assault as the words indicated that no violence would arise. Similarly on the facts, Sia did screamed at James saying à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“I know youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re out to get me and Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢m going to get you firstà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . These words were said without provocation and will not amount to any intention that would cause harm. However on the other hand, in Stephenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s v Myers (1830) 172 ER 735[3], the defendant made a violent gesture at the plaintiff by waiving a clenched fi st, but was prevented from reaching him by the intervention of third parties. The defendant was liable for assault. Likewise, in the given facts, Sia also did gestured threateningly to James when she approached him. Such act did constitute an intention to cause harm to James. Moreover it did create fear into James. Therefore this element is satisfied. The absence of consent on James part in this case There is no consent on James part. This is true, as to the period of time the incident did occurred. According to the facts at hand, Sia approached James during their lunch break, which indicates that James could not have contemplate that an incident as this would occur since he would have thought Sia is just a normal kid as the rest of the other students. Hence, there is an absence of consent on James part. Moreover, James did report the incident to the school principle meaning that he has no knowledge of Siaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mental illness. Therefore, these gave reasonable gro unds for absent of consent on his part as well. Was there an inducement of an apprehension of imminent battery? The plaintiff must have a reasonable apprehension of imminent injury or offensive contact. Apprehension means awareness that an injury or offensive contact is imminent and is about to occur.[4] On the facts, James is aware of the threat of harm because Sia had stood face to face with him when she gestured threateningly and screamed à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“I know youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re out to get me and Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢m going to get you firstà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Gesturing threateningly to someone can create apprehension in the mind and can amount to assault as in Stephenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s v Myers (1830) 172 ER[5] where a defendant who violently gestured at the plaintiff by waiving a clenched fist amounts to assault. On the other hand, there is doubt in the question of whether words alone can constitute an assault.[6] , In Smith v Chief Constable of working (1983) 76 Cr A pp R 234[7] the defendant looked through the window of the plaintiff( a young women) at night and when she screamed he did not move but kept staring. The court held that she was frightened but could not have been frightened of personal violence as she was inside the house and defendant was outside of the house. However it can be distinguished to the facts in this case because even if Sia did make a future threat by verbally expressing it and was unable to carry out the threat it can be distinguished on the part where future threats made is usually where the plaintiff is out of the scope of danger. However in this scenario Sia is actually standing face to face when she screamed at James unlike in Smith v Chief Constable of working where the defendant was outside the house and the plaintiff was inside, hence it is likely that an apprehension of imminent battery can occur. Reasonable apprehension If a reasonable person would be frightened, then there may be assault even if batter y was impossible. In the given facts, for sure a reasonable person in James position would have felt threatened by the way Sia behaves. Even if Sia did gestured and screamed à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“I know youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re about to get me and Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢m going to get you firstà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , the nature of these word can cause fear in a person especially if that person threateningly gestured and screamed at you face to face. Moreover, the fact that James has refused to return to School and had to be transferred to another school indicates that he is in fear that such incident might occur again. Therefore a reasonable person in James shoes would have been terrified by such behavior. Conclusion: The elements above are satisfied in the facts of the present case, hence it is likely that Siaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s behavior amounts to assault. (b) TORT OF NEGLIGENCE ISSUE: Whether the school owe a duty of care to Mele? LAW: General Rule for Duty of Care à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The duty of care concerns the circumstances and relationships which the law recognizes as giving rise to a legal duty to take care.[8] It is necessary for the claimant to establish that the defendant owed them a duty of care. To establish that there is a duty to take care of another person, under the Caparo test the claimant must establish and fulfill the three elements of duty of care. They are foreseeability, proximity and in all circumstances it must be just, fair and reasonable to impose a duty of care. [9] Elements of Duty of Care: Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Tort Law Problem Answers" essay for you Create order Foreseeability of damage Sufficient proximity between the parties Fair, just and reasonable In addition: Using Home office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd (1970) AC 1004 House of Lords[10] on the test of who the duty of care is owed: Foreseeable victim Foreseeable zone APPLICATION: Foreseeability of damage The notion of foreseeability focuses on what a reasonable person would have foreseen in the circumstances.[11] As the principle of the school he should have anticipate foreseeable harm Sia might cause to other students in the future even if Siaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mother had assured him that this will not happen again. Here, the school principle had already been aware of the fact that Sia is suffering from mental illness and that the prior incident which involves Sia with another student James would probably occur all over again, especially with a state of mind like Sia. As in Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd (1970) AC 1004 House of Lords[12], the Home Office owed a duty of care for their errors as they were in a position of control over the 3rd party who caused the damage and it was foreseeable that harm would result from their inaction.[13] Sufficient Proximity between the Parties Proximity focuses on the nature of a relationship between the parties. In essence, there must be a special relationship that exists between two parties in order to define the duty one owes another. On the facts here, the school has a special relationship to Mele in terms of principle and student relationship. The relationship indicates that the school principle has a duty towards its students in any circumstances in accordance to his profession. In this case, the school principle should have acted when he knew that Sia was mentally ill. Justice Winneke in Richard v State of Victoria (1969) VR 136 states that a principles duty is as follows: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"It is the need of a child of immature age for protection against conducts of others, or himself, which may cause injury, or indeed himself, joined with the fact that, during school hours, the child is beyond the control and protection of his parent and placed under the control of the schoolmaster/principle who is in a position to exercise authority over him and afford him, in the exercise of reasonable care, protection from injury or harmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . [14] Therefore, there existed a relationship between the school principle and Mele as a student. Fair, just and reasonable Even if foreseeability and proximate relationship between the parties are satisfied it must be just, fair and reasonable to impose such a duty.[15] According to the facts here, it is in the best interest of Mele as a student and if the school principle had done his job properly such harm would not occur. Therefore, it is fair, just and reasonable and a duty of care can be imposed on the school. Furthermore in using Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd (1970) AC 1004[16] House of Lords as an authority, to who is a duty of care owed? The test of duty of care includes D reasonably foresee ability of the injury claimed by P. Foreseeable victim Here in the given facts, it is more likely that the principle would anticipate foreseeable harm that Sia might cause to other students including Mele. It is possible for the principle to foresee that his inaction, which is his failure to fully take into consideration the mental illness suffered by Sia, would cause harm to Mele. Because he had prior knowledge of Siaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s psychotic nature which Mary (Siaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Mother) had informed him that sometimes she made threats to others. Foreseeable Zone Foreseeability would establish if the foreseeable Pà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s are people who at that time are physically in the zone where the harm maybe expected to cause physical injury. In this scenario, the principle foresees that Sia is capable of attacking her classmates because of the first incident involving a student which she also threatens. In this sense, there is more probability that the principle knew that at any-time Sia would attack any student in school like Mele. Even if the principle did not know Mele personally he still would have foreseen the possibility that Sia could have caused any harm to any student apart from Mele. CONCLUSION: All the elements of duty of care is satisfied, thus the school owes a duty of care to Mele (c) ISSUE: Whether Fine can succeed in an action in negligence against the school for the psychological harm suffered and whether the school owed a duty of care to Fine. LAW: PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS The general principles of negli gence are used where a claimant suffers only a psychiatric illness and physical harm. However, where a claimant suffers only psychiatric injuries, additional requirements have to be met for a successful claim.[17] Distinction must be made between a primary and secondary victim in cases of pure psychiatric injuries. The use of reasonable foreseeability test is also relevant to determine the class of persons who are most likely to recover damages which also led to rely on the test of proximity when considering the physical relationship of the witness to the accident.[18] SECONDARY VICTIM This class of person are those not within the physical zone of danger but witnesses of horrific events and suffers without himself being exposed to danger.[19] In Alcock ors v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1992] AC 310 House of Lords[20], secondary victims must demonstrate the four Alcock criteria in order to establish liability: Close tie of love and affection Witnesses the event with their own unaided senses Proximity to the event itself or its immediate aftermath Psychiatric injury must be a result if a shocking event APPLICATION: According to the scenario, Fine is regarded as a secondary victim since she was not within the physical zone of danger but suffers without being expose to danger that occurred. Close tie of love and affection There must be evidence of the existence of a close relationship of love and affection between the victim and the witness. This will be presumed in parent and child and spouses but must be proved in other relationships.[21] In the scenario, evidence of necessary close ties had been adduced between Mele (victim) and Fine (witness). Here, Mele is Fineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s daughter. Therefore, it indicates a close tie of love and affection. Witnesses the event with their own unaided senses This focuses on the fact that seeing the events on television is not sufficient. On the present scenario, it can be distinguished that Fine witness the event with her aided senses since she was there at the scene and saw her daughter being carried out on a stretcher with blood pouring from his face. Hence, she is unlikely to recover from psychiatric injuries caused. Proximity to the event itself or its immediate aftermath In Alcock ors v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire (1992) AC[22], the relatives that had visited the make shift mortuary to identify loved ones were held not to come within the immediate aftermath of the event. It is a well-established rule that in order to recover damages for shock the plaintiff must have been present at the scene of the accident. On the facts of the scenario Fineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s psychiatric injury is a result of the immediate aftermath of the event when she saw her daughter carried out on a stretcher with blood pouring from her face. Psychiatric injury must be a result of a shocking event. Lord Ackner states that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“shockà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  in the context of this cause of action, involves the sudden appreciation by sight or sound of a horrifying event, which violently agitates the mind. However, this excludes those who suffer psychiatric injury caused by buildup over a period of time.[23] On the facts of the present scenario, Fineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s shock involves sudden appreciation by sight of the event when she came to school and was at the scene. Therefore, seeing her daughter Mele being carried on a stretcher with blood pouring from her face gave her the sudden appreciation, thus cause her the psychiatric injury. REASONABLE FORESEEABILITY PROXIMITY-DISTANCE (AFTERMATH) It is more likely that the psychiatric injury sustained by Fine is reasonably foreseeable as a result of the school principalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s failure to act. This is because the principle is aware of the fact that Sia had suffered from mental illness and could have been aware of the consequences that might occur and that any person present or saw the aftermath of the event would be affected. In McLoughlin v Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Brian [1983] 1 AC 410[24], Lord Wilberforce stated that the aftermath doctrine in which one who from proximity comes very soon upon the scene should not be excluded and by way of reinforcement of aftermath cases.[25]Therefore Fine should not be excluded as she had witnessed the aftermath of the event. CONCLUSION: By applying these principles, it is likely that Fine would succeed in bringing an action against the school for her psychiatric injury. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fraser, Ian, LW 203 Torts I: Course Book, Sera Rokodi, 2011. K. M. Stanton, The Modern Law of Tort, (1994), Sweet and Maxwell, London. Michael A. Jones, Textbook on Torts, (8th Ed, 2007), Oxford University Press, New York. Tony Weir, A Casebook on Tort, (10th Ed, 2004), Sweet and Maxwell, London. Cases Alcock ors v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [ 1992] AC 310 McLoughlin v Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Brian [1983] 1 AC 410 Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd [1970] AC 1004 Richard v State of Victoria (1969) VR 136 Smith v Chief Constable of working (1983) 76 Cr App R 234 Stephenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s v Myers (1830) 172 ER 735 Tuberville v Savage (1669) 86 ER 684 [1] W.V.H Rogers, Torts,(1994)p58 [2] Tuberville v Savage (1669) 86 ER 684 [3] Stephensà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s v Myers (1830) 172 ER 735 [4] K. M. Stanton, The Modern Law of Tort, (1994) p 58 [5] ibid [6] Above n3 p188 [7] Smith v Chief Constable of working (1983) 76 Cr App R 234 [8] Michael A. J, Textbook on Torts, (8th Ed, 2007) p31 [9] Tony. Weir, A Casebook on Tort, (10th Ed, 2004) p46. [10] Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd [1970] AC 1004 [11] Michael A. J, Textbook on Torts, (8th Ed, 2007) p37 [12] Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd [1970] AC 1004 [13] Cited in K. M. Stanton, The Modern Law of Tort, (1994) p27 [14] Richard v State of Victoria (1969) VR 136 [15] Michael. A. J, Textbook on Torts, (8th Ed, 2007) p35. [16] Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd [1970] AC 1004 [17] I.Fraser, LW 203 Torts I, (Sera Rokodi, 2011) pg 5.24 [18] n [19] W.V.H. Rogers, Torts, (1994) p120 [20] Alcock ors v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1992] AC 310 [21] Tony. Weir, A Casebook on Tort, (10th Ed, 2004) p209-210 [22] Alcock ors v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1992] AC 310 [23] Cited in above n22 p208 [24] McLoughlin v Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Brian [1983] 1 AC 410 [25] Michael. A. J, Textbook on Torts, (8th Ed, 2007) p208

Friday, May 8, 2020

What Makes A Self - 1655 Words

What is a self? Is A considered a self? To answer whether A is human we must first define what a self is. Each individual experiences and reacts to life and situations differently, and collectively, we do not have anything within us that is black and white, so that would lead to the conclusion that self cannot be explicitly defined. However, at the same time, that complexity in itself is a definition; the fact that we exist as gray areas ultimately proves that we are a living contradiction. So a self is really your own perception of yourself, but because it is so inextricably intertwined with others perceptions and because all interaction is involved with others in some shape or form, self is more so a conglomeration of perceptions, values, choices, and your experiences. Perception, your own and others, is a significant part of self and inevitably affects your own identity. Many people dispute that our identity and sense of self and identity is not altered by what others think of us, but can you deny the fact that our perception of our self is inherently adapted and influenced by other’s perceptions of us whether we consciously want it to be or not? In The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth, Alexandra Robbins followed Whitney, a so called popular girl, in order to learn what one must do to gain popularity. Whitney responds that in order to become popular one must follow a set of rules. The most prominent of these rules is â€Å"Sacrifice†¦ You need to be willing to sacrifice a lotShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Self Reliance?1691 Words   |  7 PagesWho is an American that embodies self-reliance and independence? Self-reliance, or independence as an individual, is an uniquely American trait. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14, relating to this value, says to work hard, urge people to work for their own earning, and not be a burden on others. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Massey Coal Free Essays

Massey Coal Case A person is morally responsible for an injury or a wrong if: 1. the person caused or helped caused it, or failed to prevent it when he or she could have and should have 2. the person did so knowing what he or she was doing 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Massey Coal or any similar topic only for you Order Now the person did so of his or her own free will Question 1 Massey Energy Company should be held morally responsible for the deaths of the 29 miners. The U. S. Mine Safety and Health Administration issued â€Å"too much† citations for the violations in the mines Massey Energy Company owned. The company always challenged several of the citations and corrected enough of the significant and substantial violations to allow its total violations to fall below the level needed to force its closure. This means in terms of safety, the company only make significant safety change in order for their mines not to be totally closed but not make a major safety changes in order to follow all the guidelines of MSHA and eliminate all possible endangerment in the mines. Massey should be held morally responsible because of the lack of effort the company put in to improve the safety quality in their mines. Question 2 Don Blankenship should be held morally responsible for the deaths of the 29 miners. Don wrote a memo stating that managers should concentrate on producing coal and not waste time responding to requests to fix things. It was not clear what had ignited the explosion of April 5 but it was almost certain that is was caused by accumulations of methane and coal dust. If Don had enforced the managers to focused more on the safety of the mines and the miners so that they are up to MSHA safety standards rather than only to concentrate on producing coal, the April 5 incident could well be prevented. Don Blankenship lack of care for the miners and prioritizing profit over safety are enough reasons for him to be held morally responsible for the deaths of the 29 miners. Question 3 MSHA should somehow be held morally responsible for the deaths of the 29 miners. First of all, the company does not operate up to the standard when it comes to protecting the lives of the miners. The agency was understaffed and its inspectors were overworked. Also, the week before the mine explosion, half of the agency’s inspectors failed to attend required training courses and the agency neither kept track of their attendance nor did it sanction them. Not only that, but the company can’t shut down a mine unless the total violations of these coal mine companies are above the level needed to force its closure. Most of the coal mine companies challenged MSHA’s citations and corrected enough of the significant violations so they fall below the shut-down level. This is irresponsible on MSHA’s side. Thy should enforce a tighter and stricter rules when it comes to violations. MSHA should not just imposed fines on the company but they should be more stern when it comes to safety violations by the company. Also, waiting until there is too much violations by the company to close the mines will endanger the lives of the miners. When people lives are on stake, MSHA surely are not up to the standard of that task. Question 4 The miners had some idea of the risks of working in the Upper Big Branch mine however that is not enough for them to be held any responsibility for their own deaths. Don Blankenship had released a memo to the managers specifically stating to ignore wasting time responding to requests to fix things. Managers then would be afraid to object to Don Blankenship requests since they could get fired. During the congressional hearing, survivors and relatives of those who had died testified. Most of the testimony states that they are afraid to go to management and express their fears of the lack of safety in the mine. They are afraid management would look for ways to fire them. So afraid of being fired, miners should not be held responsible for their own deaths because of the lack of freedom they have to express their feelings. Question 5 There is a huge difference between mines without unions like the Massey mines and other mines that had unions. The huge difference is the safety regulations. A union would fought for better enforcement of safety regulations to protect the miners. According to the testimony of Gary Quarles, the huge difference is when MSHA inspector comes to the mines. When an MSHA inspector comes onto a Massey mine property, the code words go out â€Å"we’ve got a man on the property. † When the word goes pit all effort is made to correct any deficiencies or direct the inspector’s attention away from any deficiencies. Also when an MSHA inspector comes to a Massey mine, he/she is only accompanied by Massey people. No coal miner at the mine can point out areas of concern to the MSHA inspector. While in union mines, workers at the mine would accompany the MSHA inspectors during the inspections. Workers also have the right to refuse to work in unsafe conditions without fear of their job. Clearly, in mines without unions like Massey, the people are trying to deceive MSHA inspectors to that they would not get citations for different violations. Seeing the huge difference in enforcing safety regulations, all mines should be forced to have a union. Question 6 The average salary for all jobs in the United States is $43,000 while miners in the Upper Big Branch mine were paid $60,000. Even though a work of a miner required no more than a high school education, the risk of their job is very high, probably the highest. Wages will fail to provide a level of compensation proportional to the risks of a job when markets do not register risks because the risks are not yet known. For example, the health risks involved in mining or using a certain mineral such as manganese may not be known until many years afterward. In this case, wages will not fully compensate for risks. Workers also might accept risks unknowingly because they do not have adequate accept to information concerning those risks. Workers don’t have the money or the tool to collect information needed to assess the risks of the jobs they accept. Workers might accept known risks out of desperation because they lack the mobility to enter other less risky industries or because they lack information of the alternatives available to them. Massey is only paying $17,000 more than the average of all jobs in the United States. Knowing all the risks as a miner such as exposure to methane nd all other lethal gases and also the high rate of accidents in Upper Big Branch mine due to poor safety regulations, a wage of $60,000 surely does not cover the all the risks that the miners are exposed to. Only $17,000 more on the wage of the miners than the average wage of all the jobs in the U. S. is not an ethical approach by the company. There is a far more safer job even though they are lower in wages . But the $60,000 in wages is not worth it for the miners considering all the job risks Massey doesn’t account for. So, Massey was not handling job risk in an ethically appropriate manner. Question 7 Massey Energy Company did not fulfill a lot of ethical obligations. The company violated the ethics of care. An ethic of care says they we should care for those dependent on and related to us. The miners are dependent of the managers and CEO of the company to enforce tighter and stricter safety regulations, however Massey failed to do so. The company violated the ethics of pollution control. Massey was faced with the problem of disposing millions of gallons of coal slurry the mines were producing. They did not control their pollution of coal slurry into the environment, thus violating the ethics of pollution control. Massey also violated different rights. Positive rights state that duties of other agents (Massey) to provide the holder of the right (the miners) with whatever he or she needs to freely pursue his or her interests. The miners interest is to have a high quality safety regulations in the mines and Massey failed to provide this interest. Massey also failed the fairness of wages and the fairness of employee working conditions. The wage they are paying to the miners are not enough to cover all the job risks the miners are exposed to in the mine. Massey also failed to provide proper working condition in the Upper Big Branch. How to cite Massey Coal, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Wordsworth Reveals a Personal Affinity free essay sample

Throughout Wordsworth poems, â€Å"my heart leaps for joy and† I wandered as lonely as a cloud† he displays a very deep, spiritual and emotional connection with nature. The poems are focused on the natural beauty of the ‘rainbow’ and ‘daffodils’. In both poems he reveals a personal affinity with nature. This is evident through the interplay of poetic techniques throughout both poems. Living most of his life in rural England, Wordsworth was very much against the Industrialisation and the French Revolution. These two events had a significant impact on his poetry because of its corrosive effect on the individual, the community and the landscape. He strived to immortalise the lost rural landscape in his poetry and does this through his two poems â€Å"my heart leaps up† and â€Å"I wandered as lonely as a cloud†. ‘I wandered as lonely as a cloud’ reflects the inherit connections between man and nature. Wordsworth uses a variety of figurative language to communicate this idea. We will write a custom essay sample on Wordsworth Reveals a Personal Affinity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hyperbole, visual imagery and personification are important techniques used as they indicate Wordsworth’s love for nature. In the first line of the poem he uses personification in representing himself figuratively as a cloud. Wordsworth then proceeds to personify the daffodils as humans, describing the daffodils as ‘fluttering and dancing in the breeze’ He also personifies the daffodils as a ‘jocund company’, suggesting the flowers have feelings just as humans do. Again, there is the suggestion of unity between man and nature when Wordsworth describes that ‘a poet cannot be gay, in such a jocund company’.